Sharing a Code Editor Component made using Vite + Typescript + ReactJs

Olavo Mello
3 min readJul 10, 2023
Code Editor — Vite + Typescript + ReactJs

Hello, today I would like to share with you a component that I recently created and that can be extremely useful for other developers like you. It’s a Code Editor capable of reading data from an API or mock and easily customizable to be inserted into any application. Additionally, the component offers file reading, code editing, and deletion functionalities. It was developed using Vite, TypeScript, and ReactJS. I hope it’s helpful for your project.

With this component, you’ll be able to integrate a comprehensive and customizable code editor into your own application, making life easier for users and providing a seamless code editing experience.

API Data Reading

One of the features of the component is the ability to read data from a production API or mock, allowing you to test and experiment with the code in a controlled environment. This functionality is particularly useful during the prototyping phase, as it enables you to evaluate code behavior without relying on real data sources.

Easy Customization

Another important aspect of the Code Editor Component is its ease of customization. With various options available, you can personalize the appearance and behavior of the editor according to your specific needs. The flexibility of the component allows you to adapt it to your application’s visual style and user preferences. It is also prepared for display in Dark Mode if that is the user’s default option.

Editing and Deletion

The Code Editor Component enables users to edit and delete code snippets with ease. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can enhance the editing experience by incorporating features such as auto indentation and code formatting. All of this contributes to a more efficient and productive programming workflow.

By leveraging Vite, TypeScript, and ReactJS, I was able to develop a high-quality component with exceptional performance. Vite provided a fast and lightweight development environment, while TypeScript added code safety through its static typing system. ReactJS, with its component-based approach, allowed me to create a modular and easily maintainable user interface.

To start using the Code Editor Component in your own application, follow these simple steps:

Start by cloning the Code Editor Git repository.

Import the component into your application: import CodeEditor from 'code-editor-component';

Place the <CodeEditor /> component where you want to insert the code editor in your application's interface.

Customize the component by passing the appropriate properties to meet your specific needs. Refer to src/App.tsx see an example of the component in use.

Use api/v1/index.tsx to integrate the Code Editor Component with your own API, such as options for reading file trees, file reading, editing, and deletion, to enhance the code editing capabilities of your application.

This is a simple component with many possibilities for improvement. However, it is a highly customizable solution for integrating a code editor into your own application. Feel free to send PRs for enhancements and further development of this initial project.

I hope this component is useful for you!

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Cheers!

#vite #typescript #reactjs #dev #development #developer #devs



Olavo Mello

CTO | Senior Full Stack Developer | Startup Expert | Javascript - Reactjs + React Native + Nodejs + TypeScript + Nextjs | PHP | MySQL